The Campaign to End PLO Funding

Sponsored by JAHG-USA
(Jews And Hasidic Gentiles — United to Stop Amalek)

Our strategy for victory

As a national movement grows for cutting off PLO money, it will become more and more difficult for the President to arrange new funding for the terrorists. Eventually, it will become impossible to stop the tide for cutting off all funding, direct and indirect, permanently.

But to educate and mobilize our fellow Americans, we first need volunteers who will spend their time and money distributing materials, gathering signatures on our petition letter, and lobbying their congressmen.

And for that to happen, we first need to get Jewish leaders, and non-Jewish American leaders, to take a stand by endorsing our proclamations for the campaign. This is currently where most of our time must be spent, for as we get more Jewish and American leaders on board, it will become immensely easier to succeed on the rest of the campaign.

This page lists some of the actions you can take to make an impact. For inquiries or more details, contact us through our e-mail page.

Directory of Campaign Resources


How you can get involved

Become informed.
Read the materials published on this site to become familiar with the goals and methods of PLO terrorism and how the U.S. government finances them.

Educate others.
Direct your friends, family, and other contacts to this web site, or distribute the printed materials widely. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose the PLO, but they don’t realize what is being done with their tax dollars.

Visit our Facebook group, “Terminate U.S. funding for the terrorist PLO!”; if you are a Facebook member, be sure to join our group to show your support (, and invite your friends to join, too.

Read our PLO-defunding updates at to keep up with the campaign’s development, and share them with your friends.

Contact leaders for endorsement.
Jewish leaders, and American leaders (especially non-Jews), need to endorse one of the two proclamations for PLO defunding. This is currently the most important part of the campaign, and the bulk of our energies must go into it:

Every Jewish leader needs to sign a copy of Proclamation 1, calling on all Jews to get involved. Jewish unity on this issue cannot emerge until leaders take a clear stand. Contact us using the form below to identify appropriate rabbis or other Jewish leaders to present the proclamation, and to find out how you can put them on record as either endorsing or refusing. It is particularly urgent that you check our regularly updated list of Jewish responses for the names of rabbis who are still refusing to sign; contact them and pressure them to do their duty. Such pressure has already caused many to change their minds and endorse.
Every American leader needs to sign a copy of Proclamation 2, calling on Congress to terminate PLO funding. In order to build political momentum on this issue, we must cut past “conservative” and “pro-Israel” rhetoric to find out who is truly on our side. The answers are sometimes surprising, as seen on our regularly updated list of American responses. Contact us using the form below to identify appropriate American leaders to present the proclamation, and to find out how you can put them on record as either endorsing or refusing.

Collect signatures to send to your Congressman.
Activate your friends and associates to gather signatures on our petition letter, and to send them in together once you have accumulated a large number. Signatures can be gathered in public places with heavy foot traffic, or by going door-to-door in neighborhoods throughout your Congressional district. Once you’ve sent in the petitions, follow up with phone calls and meetings with your Congressman in his district office. Make sure he responds to you and recognizes the urgency of ending the funds for PLO terror.
(NOTE: This part of the campaign cannot succeed until we have achieved a “critical mass” of volunteers who can work together in making this a sufficiently large-scale effort. Until that time, the petition to Congress remains an inactive project.)

Contribute financially to expanding the campaign.
Printing and mailing can be expensive, and we are operating with virtually no money. We need a substantial increase in funds to alert more people to this issue. And because we refuse to become tax-exempt, in order to retain our independent ability to speak up without restrictions (and thus making some people hesitate to contribute), we need your committed support.

YES! I want to help defund the PLO.
NOTE: Non-Jews should help out in these projects as much as Jews. In fact, a non-Jew often has stronger influence on Jewish leaders. If you live in some country other than the United States, such as Canada or Israel, you can also help this campaign immensely.

My name is

My e-mail address is

I live in , ,
(city or county) (state or province) (country)

I’m volunteering to help in one or more of the following ways:

• The following Jewish leaders (orthodox rabbis, etc.) live in my area or I can contact them, and I want to approach them with PLO-defunding Proclamation 1 — to see whether they sign or refuse:

• I would like to contact “refusenik” Jewish leaders to persuade them to change their mind and sign PLO-defunding Proclamation 1:

Please send me contact information for Jewish “refuseniks” so I can lobby them to change their mind.

• The following American leaders (religious, conservative, etc.) live in my area or I can contact them, and I want to approach them with PLO-defunding Proclamation 2 — to see whether they sign or refuse:

• I would like to contact “refusenik” American leaders to persuade them to change their mind and sign PLO-defunding Proclamation 2:

Please send me contact information for American “refuseniks” so I can lobby them to change their mind.

• I would like to donate to support the campaign:

I’m pledging US$ toward JAHG-USA’s efforts.

(Note: JAHG-USA does not have tax-exempt status, and donations are therefore not tax deductible. We maintain this status in order to retain our independent ability to speak out freely without IRS restrictions on expression of political viewpoints.)

• I would like to help in the following additional ways:

• To confirm, please enter the graphic number you see here:

Based on the answers I’ve submitted above, please send me the information I need to follow through on my commitment: